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I like that Hattrick is a slow game. Here, I have time to think everything over. I also appreciate that Hattrick gives everybody the chance to be the best because you can't buy in-game advantages.

The first championship I won is one of my best Hattrick memories. I won the title in the 8th division by scoring a 4-3 winner in the 86th minute of the last league game. This put me tied with two other teams and I clinched the title on goal difference: 62-14 versus 61-14 and 54-11. I'll never forget the player who scored that goal, my Norwegian star striker Olav Aamot.

My best Hattrick memory was when the city where I lived (L'Aquila, Italy) was hit by an earthquake. I received a lot of support, a lot of help, a lot of love. It was a very hard time and Hattrick was there, with its community, with me. I will never forget that.

What I like about the Hattrick community is that there are real people and you don't just compete against the computers. You play against each other, but you can also help each other in the forum and talk about everything.

I started playing Hattrick because some of my co-workers absolutely wanted to introduce me to Hattrick. When I finally tried, it was the Valentine's Day of 2009 … and I am still here, ten years later!

The key reason I stay in Hattrick is the friendships I have made, but also the competitiveness and the feeling that I can still achieve more.I don't necessarily aspire to be number one in my country but I like to test some idea how things could work better and build a team that way. The goal is always to be top 10 in the country.

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